Vsun Starts Production at Wafer Facility in Vietnam

Vietnamese solar manufacturer Vsun's new facility produces n-type silicon wafers and is expected to be ready for full production by the end of the month.
PV Magazine International 7:46 pm on April 22, 2024

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Vietnamese solar manufacturer Vsun has begun production at its new n-type silicon wafer factory in northern Vietnam, which is expected to be fully operational by the end of April. The facility uses advanced equipment and technological processes, and the finished crystal can be customized into wafers according to customer specifications. OCI, a South Korean polysilicon producer, has signed a long-term supply agreement with Toyo Solar, a subsidiary of VSun Sola, to support wafer production. This comes after the inauguration of Toyo Solas 4 GW TOPCon solar cell factory in Vietnam.

  • Vsun begins production at new n-type silicon wafer factory in Vietnam
  • Facility expected to be fully operational by end of April
  • Uses advanced equipment and customizable production processes
  • Long-term polysilicon supply agreement signed between OCI and Toyo Solar
  • Follows inauguration of 4 GW TOPCon solar cell factory in Vietnam


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