Edf Launches Uk Heat Pump Tracker Tariff

EDF says its heat-pump tracker tariff is the United Kingdom's first, as it will never charge its customers more than the price cap, guaranteeing savings of at least GBP 164 ($202) per year. It says it is also offering a GBP 750 discount on new heat pump installations.
PV Magazine International 7:46 pm on April 22, 2024

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EDF, the UK's largest energy company, has introduced a new heat-pump tracker tariff, which guarantees customers savings of at least 164 per year. This tariff, available to existing and new customers with any heat pump technology, offers six hours of zero-carbon electricity daily. Heat pumps, a carbon-friendly alternative to traditional boilers, are gaining popularity in the UK, with plans to install 60,000 heat pumps by 2028. The government has also considered making heat pumps mandatory in all new homes from 2025. EDF aims to support more customers in adopting greener technologies and save them money.

  • EDF launches heat-pump tracker tariff in the UK, guaranteeing customers minimum savings of 164 per year
  • Tariff offers six hours of zero-carbon electricity daily for both existing and new customers
  • Heat pumps becoming increasingly popular alternative to traditional boilers in the UK
  • Government plans to install 60,000 heat pumps by 2028; considering making them mandatory in all new homes from 2025
  • EDF aims to support more customers in transitioning to greener technologies and save them money


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