German Startup Planning Vertical Floating Pv Plant

Germany-based Sinn Power plans to build a 1.8 MW floating PV system with vertically deployed solar modules. Construction is expected to start this summer.
PV Magazine International 7:46 pm on April 22, 2024

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Sinn Power, a German startup, is planning to build a 1.8 MW floating PV plant with vertically deployed solar modules at a gravel pit in Gilching, Bavaria. The project, which will use the company's patented Floating-SKipp mounting systems, has strong support from local authorities and is expected to begin construction this summer. The east-west orientation of the solar modules will shift electricity production towards the morning and afternoon, with most of the solar energy being used directly at the gravel plant and the surplus injected into the grid.

  • Sinn Power plans to build a 1.8 MW floating PV system with vertically deployed solar modules
  • Project will be built on a lake at a gravel pit in Gilching, Bavaria
  • Construction expected to begin this summer using patented Floating-SKipp mounting systems
  • East-west orientation of solar modules shifts electricity production towards morning and afternoon
  • Most of the solar energy will be used directly at the gravel plant, surplus injected into grid

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