Vpp Preventing Blackouts in Puerto Rico

PV Magazine International 12:24 pm on May 7, 2024

PV Magazine highlights Sunrun's VPP initiative in Puerto Rico, where customers with solar batteries aid grid stability and prevent blackouts by storing excess solar energy. The "PowerOn Puerto Rico" program has enrolled nearly 8,000 participants since its fall launch. Compensation for these homeowners is expected to exceed $550 per customer annually, based on shared power events. This project is part of Puerto Rico's effort towards a more resilient and distributed energy system following Hurricane Maria.

  • Sunrun initiative: Solar battery owners support the electrical grid in Puerto Rico, preventing blackouts.
  • Compensation: Homeowners receive payment for providing energy to the grid.
  • Program name: "PowerOn Puerto Rico."
  • Energy storage deployment: Nearly 8,000 customers with solar-plus-storage have joined since fall 2023.
  • Puerto Rico's grid challenges: The VPP aids in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria and aims to stabilize power supply.
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