France Allocates 49.8 Mw in Pv Tender for Non Interconnected Areas

CRE, the French energy regulator, initially planned to allocate 99 MW in its PV tender for non-interconnected areas, but
PV Magazine International 12:25 pm on May 7, 2024

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  • France allocated 49.8 MW in its PV tender for non-interconnected areas, with the initial allocation set at 99 MW but eventually reduced to this final figure.
  • The tender included a diverse range of projects from small arrays up to 5 MW and was open to various project types, including those with storage capabilities. The winning developers comprised both national (Corsica Solar & Akuo) and international companies (EDF Renewables, Albioma, TotalEnergies).
  • The first round of the tender saw a total allocation of 49.76 MW to Corsica and overseas territories with eight developers pitching in.
  • A second round is expected, aiming to allocate approximately 109 MW of PV capacity by the end of June.
  • The Ministry of Ecological Transition oversees the tender processes and allocations for France's renewable energy projects.

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