The Impact Of Seasonal, Meteorological Factors on Pv Plant Performance

Scientists in Japan have investigated the impact of seasonal, metereological factors on solar plant performance and have
PV Magazine International 12:25 pm on May 7, 2024

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The research conducted by Lior Kahana from Japan's Oita University focused on how seasonal and meteorological factors impact the efficiency of utility-scale photovoltaic (PV) plants. The study utilized meta-frontier data envelopment analysis (DEA) to evaluate generation efficiency, incorporating variables like solar irradiation, temperature, module count, PV array rated capacity, with results highlighting that average power generation inefficiency reached significant levels due to these factors.

  • Investigation of seasonal and meteorological impacts on utility-scale solar plant efficiency:

  • Utilized meta-frontier DEA for assessing PV power generation inefficiency across Japan's plants.

  • Considered seasonal and technical factors such as solar irradiance, temperature, module count, and capacity ratios.

  • Identified average power generation inefficiency during the study period primarily due to meteorological fluctuations.

  • Recommendation for site selection, emphasizing consideration of weather and geographical data.

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