How Drone El Mapping Can Help Solar Insurance Claims

As the world becomes increasingly roiled by extreme weather, drone-based electroluminescence (EL) mapping can be a key
PV Magazine International 12:25 pm on May 7, 2024

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To assess the efficiency of an installed solar power system, electroluminescence (EL) imaging is conducted. After a severe weather event, like hailstorms, EL scans help to evaluate damage and identify module-level defects that could affect performance claims. This process involves selecting samples from damaged modules for laboratory testing, post-recovery evaluation including detailed inspections of rebuilt blocks with new installations, and establishing a baseline condition prior to storm events or failures.

  • EL Imaging Assessment: Employed to evaluate solar module efficiency before and after severe weather incidents.
  • Lab Testing: Selects 125 modules per block for laboratory assessments, totaling 625 samples post-recovery phase three.
  • Damage Identification & Replacement**: Post-repair inspections reveal overlooked damage or new defects due to the manufacturing process.
  • Insurance Claims: EL imaging supports accurate claims by documenting module conditions before and after events.
  • Performance Monitoring**: EL scans aid in monitoring solar panel performance, ensuring consistent energy production post-reinstallation.

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