United Kingdom Closes in on 16 Gw Installed Solar Capacity

The latest government installation figures reveal a slower start to the year for the United Kingdom, with small-scale
PV Magazine International 11:28 am on June 3, 2024

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The United Kingdom is behind its solar deployment target, with the installed capacity reaching 16 GW. Ground-mounted solar constitutes a significant share (49%). The industry urges post-election governmental action on issues hindering expansion. DESNZ data indicates that small-scale installations account for most of recent deployments.

  • Solar Deployment Lag: UK's solar capacity at 16 GW, targeting the top in Europe.
  • Ground Solar Dominance: Ground-mounted solar power accounts for nearly half of all installations.
  • Industry's Call to Action: Urgent post-election action needed on solar deployment challenges.
  • Increase in Small Scale Installations: Most recent solar deployments are small-scale, per DESNZ data.
  • Current Status vs. EU Standards: UK falls behind the leading European countries like Germany and Denmark.


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