Japanese Researchers Build 14.3% Efficient Bendable, Waterproof Organic Solar Cell

Researchers from Japan's Riken Center for Emergent Matter Science have fabricated an organic solar cell that has
PV Magazine International 11:28 am on June 3, 2024

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In June 2024, researchers from Japan's Riken Center for Emergent Matter Science developed a waterproof and ultraflexible organic photovoltaic (OPV) solar cell. This innovative design featured an in-situ growth of a hole-transporting layer for improved interface adhesion between layers, withstood washing cycles and 30% stretchability without significant efficiency loss, showing promise for wearable electronics applications.

  • Research Breakthrough: Organic solar cell fabricated by Riken Center for Emergent Matter Science researchers in Japan.
  • Waterproof and Ultraflexible Design: Incorporates hole-transporting layer enhancing interface adhesion, surviving washing machine cycles.
  • Efficiency Retention: 89% performance after immersion in water for four hours; retained efficiency post multiple washes and stretching tests.
  • Wearable Electronics Potential: Stretchability of the device enables application in wearables without compromising solar cell functionality.
  • Future Developments: Team aims to enhance stability for practical use in flexible, stretchable organic PVs.


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