Cpucs Revised Proposed Decision Could Destroy Community Pv in California

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is set to vote on a revised proposed decision that fails to seize on
PV Magazine International 11:28 am on June 3, 2024

The CPUC revised its decision on community solar programs, maintaining reliance on one-time EPA Solar for All funds while lacking specifics like project distribution and reporting mechanisms. The Coalition for Community Solar Access (CCSA) argues this stifles the growth of a functional market in California that aligns with legislative efforts and would hinder progress toward equity objectives, as community solar's value is increasingly recognized across states.

  • CPUC's revised decision on community solar lacks specific implementation details
  • Legislative intent for a functional and expanding community solar market in California not fulfilled, according to CCSA
  • Importance of community solar in achieving clean energy and equity goals is highlighted as the market grows nationally
  • Nationwide growth potential of the community solar industry with a projected increase by 2027
  • California's current trajectory may hinder development compared to states adopting proactive policies


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