U.s. Scientists Demonstrate 25% Efficient Perovskite Cadmium Tandem Solar Cell

The researchers say the cell has a top perovskite cell with a transparent back contact made of indium zinc oxide and a
PV Magazine International 5:40 pm on May 20, 2024

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The study demonstrates that an advanced 4T perovskite CdSeTe tandem solar cell structure could potentially increase commercial thin-film solar cell efficiency to over 30%. The top and bottom cells exhibited efficiencies of 17.93% and 7.13%, respectively, with their open circuit voltages at 1.315 V and 0.842 V, short-circuit currents of 17.11 mAcm and 11.15 mAcm, and fill factors of 79.7% and 76%.

  • Tandem Solar Cell Configuration: A tandem solar cell combining two different semiconductor materials is proposed to improve efficiency.
  • Efficiency Improvement: The configuration shows promise for increasing commercial thin-film solar cell efficiency beyond 30%.
  • Top Cell Specifications: Achieved an efficiency of 17.93%, open circuit voltage at 1.315V, short-circuit current density of 17.11 mAcm, and fill factor of 79.7%.
  • Bottom Cell Specifications: Achieved an efficiency of 7.13%, open circuit voltage at 0.842V, short-circuit current density of 11.15 mAcm, and fill factor of 76%.
  • Future Research: The researchers are outlining a plan to further increase the cell's efficiency through continued development.


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