Solar Wafer Prices Decline, Sparking Concerns Over Producer Survival Prospects

In a new weekly update for <b>pv magazine</b>, OPIS, a Dow Jones company, provides a quick look at the main
PV Magazine International 5:40 pm on May 20, 2024

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The market discusses U.S demand for wafers potentially rising post cell projects, with Southeast Asia's vertically integrated manufacturers not selling externally, indicating increased wafer production capacity in the region over the next two years. Updates on significant projects highlight this trend, like SEG Solar and G-Star starting construction of large wafer facilities.

  • Cell project anticipation: Wafer demand expected to grow after cell production establishments in Southeast Asia.
  • Vertical integration impact: Regional manufacturers typically use their wafers internally, hinting at a potential increase in external wafer market presence.
  • Industry updates: SEG Solar's and G-Star's wafer facility commencements signal burgeoning production capacity.
  • OPIS data corroboration: Recent news reinforces the forecast for Southeast Asia's wafer expansion in solar manufacturing.
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