New Guide to Improve Biodiversity Of Pv Projects in Australia

An Australian community group has launched a new guide to help solar developers to improve biodiversity on project sites
PV Magazine International 5:40 pm on May 20, 2024

The Australian Community Power Agency released the "Building Better Biodiversity on Solar Farms Guide," which provides strategies for solar developers to enhance biodiversity, reduce land-use conflicts, and foster better environmental performance. The guide advocates for conservoltaic approaches that combine conservation with solar farms' benefits. This approach can increase local biodiversity and potentially expedite project approvals while promoting community engagement.

  • Development of a Guide: Australian Community Power Agency introduces "Building Better Biodiversity on Solar Farms Guide" for improving biodiversity alongside solar energy projects.
  • Conservoltaic Approach: Combines conservation and solar farming to leave sites in a better environmental state, increase local flora & fauna diversity.
  • Biomimicry for Solar Farms: Offers an alternative land-sharing approach between agriculture and renewable energy sectors, enhancing biodiversity without compromising solar capacity.
  • Economic Benefits & Ecosystem Services: Fostering biodiversity can provide economic benefits through ecosystem services like heat reduction and erosion prevention on solar farms.
  • Community Engagement and Streamlined Approvals: The guide potentially aids in expediting approval processes while enhancing community relations for renewable energy projects.

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