Sunmaxx Pvt Opens 50 Mw Pv Thermal Module Factory in Germany

Sunmaxx PVT, a photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) solar module specialist, has built an automated 50 MW module factory near Dresden, Germany.
PV Magazine International 1:26 pm on April 17, 2024

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Sunmaxx PVT, a German PVT solar module specialist, has inaugurated a 50 MW automated module factory near Dresde, making it the world's largest PVT production facility. The factory's annual capacity is 12,000 modules per year, and Sunmaxx aims to reach a capacity of 3 GW at a later stage. The PVT modules provide electricity and heat for residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. They use thermal management technology from Mahl and have an overall efficiency of around 26.8%.

  • Sunmaxx opens world's largest PVT module factory in Germany
  • Factory has annual capacity of 50 MW, aims to reach 3 GW
  • Suitable for electricity and heat supply to various buildings
  • Uses thermal management tech from automotive company Mahl
  • Certified overall efficiency of around 26.8% by Fraunhofer ISE

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