Aleasoft Notes Slight Recovery in European Electricity Prices

AleaSoft Energy Forecasting says that all major European electricity markets, except for Italy, have recorded negative hourly electricity prices for the second straight week. However, the Spanish consultancy notes that prices generally remain low.
PV Magazine International 1:26 pm on April 17, 2024

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The text is about the European electricity market trends for the second week of April 2024, as analyzed by AleaSoft Energy Forecasting. Major European markets recorded higher electricity prices compared to the first week, except for the Nordic Pool and N2EX markets. All markets experienced negative hourly prices, except for Italy, with the Iberian market having the most hours with negative prices. Factors contributing to higher prices include an increase in gas and CO2 emissions right, decrease in wind energy production, and solar energy production increase. Solar energy production is expected to decline this week, and electricity prices are predicted to continue increasing due to higher demand and lower solar production.

  • European electricity market prices increased in most major markets during the second week of April 2024.
  • All analyzed European markets recorded negative hourly prices, except for Italy.
  • Factors contributing to higher electricity prices include an increase in gas and CO2 emissions right, decrease in wind energy production, and solar energy production increase.
  • Solar energy production is expected to decline this week, and electricity prices are predicted to continue increasing due to higher demand and lower solar production.
  • The Iberian market had the most hours with negative prices during the second week of April 2024.

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