How Gogoro Is Making the World’s Largest Ev Battery Swapping Network Greener

With Gogoro already surpassing one million swappable EV batteries in circulation, the company’s energy network has
Electrek 5:47 am on May 5, 2024

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Gogoro, an electric vehicle (EV) company, has announced the deployment of 15 new renewable energy-powered battery swap stations for its GoShare e-scooter service in Taiwan. This expansion makes the stations' electricity generation stage emission-free, adding to the zero emissions produced by the scooters themselves. Gogoro and TSMC, a semiconductor giant, collaborate to promote clean energy adoption in Taiwan. The new stations are part of an ongoing effort, with more likely to follow, initially being installed in Taipei and major cities.

  • Gogoro announces the deployment of 15 new renewable energy-powered battery swap stations for its GoShare e-scooter service in Taiwan.
  • Collaboration between Gogoro and TSMC to promote clean energy adoption and reduce emissions in Taiwan.
  • New stations add to the zero-emission electricity production, making the entire process emission-free.
  • The expansion follows the successful implementation of thousands of existing battery swap stations and non-Gogoro electric scooter models that use them.
  • Further installations planned for major cities across Taiwan, with a goal to enable zero-carbon transportation island-wide.

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