Sunpower Dealers Can Soon Offer the Tesla Powerwall to Residential Customers

SunPower announced it will begin offering the Tesla Powerwall 3 through its residential dealer networkSunPower announced it will begin offering the Tesla Powerwall 3 through its residential dealer network.
Solar Power World 5:17 pm on May 22, 2024

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Kelly Pickerel announced SunPower dealers' access to Tesla Powerwall 3 through their network, pairing the storage with SolarEquinox. The move aligns homeowners' needs for comprehensive energy solutions, including financing options that include loan and lease financing without down payments or high monthly fees.

  • SunPower Dealership Expansion: SunPower dealers can now offer Tesla Powerwall 3 to residential customers, providing a complete energy solution.
  • Priced for Accessibility: The financial packages include no down payments and low monthly installments, enhancing accessibility.
  • Solar-Energy Storage Synergy: Powerwall 3 integrates with the SunPower Equinox system to deliver power and storage capabilities.
  • Industry Growth and Adaptation: This development is indicative of broader industry trends where solar companies expand their energy solutions.
  • Financing Structure: Financing options for Powerwall 3 are designed to ease the transition towards renewable energy by minimizing initial costs.

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