Doe Opens 48c Manufacturing Tax Credit Portal for Round 2

Allocations for the new round will total up to $6 billion, with approximately $2Allocations for the new round will total up to $6 billion, with approximately $2.
Solar Power World 5:17 pm on May 22, 2024

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The DOE has announced the second round of its 48C advanced energy project credit program, with allocations for projects in designated communities and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Round Two increases total funds to $6 billion, attracting significant interest from applicants seeking over $42 billion in tax credits through concept papers submitted in Round One.

  • Second round allocation by DOE:
  • Up to $6 billion for clean energy projects and emission reduction.
  • Increased total funding compared to the first round.
  • Significant interest with over $42 billion in requested tax credits from Round One applicants.
  • Projects located in designated communities gain priority access to funds.

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