Bechtel Completes Cutlass Solar 2 Project in Texas Using Automation, Robots and Drones

The Cutlass Solar 2 project in Fort Bend, Texas, is complete and generating electricity at full capacityThe Cutlass Solar 2 project in Fort Bend, Texas, is complete and generating electricity at full capacity.
Solar Power World 5:17 pm on May 22, 2024

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Bechtel completed the Cutlass Solar 2 project using automation, robots, drones to meet its tight schedule. The collaboration with Sabanci Climate Technologies aimed at delivering clean energy efficiently and effectively involved over 300 employees, with significant representation from women and minorities in professional roles.

  • Bechtel & Cutlass Solar 2 Project:
    • <em>Efficient use of automation, robotics, and drones to meet project deadlines</em>
  • Collaboration with Sabanci Climate Technologies:
    • <em>Aimed at delivering clean energy efficiently and effectively</em>
  • Workforce Diversity:
    • <em>Significant representation of women and minorities in professional roles</em>
  • Project Scale & Impact:
    • <em>Over 300 employees on project, contributing to significant renewable energy developments</em>
  • Energy Sector Advancement:
    • <em>Incorporates the latest technologies for project completion and energy sector growth, highlighting innovation in renewable energy.
Categorization: - Renewable policy and incentives - Solar

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