Solarwatt Shuts Down Battery Factory in Germany

Solarwatt says it will shut down its battery factory in GermanySolarwatt says it will shut down its battery factory in Germany.
PV Magazine International 1:20 pm on May 28, 2024

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pv magazine reports Solarwatt to cease battery production in y due to economic reasons, moving all manufacturing operations to China by year's end. Approximately 170 employees affected; future focus on complete energy solutions and management.

  • Production Shift: Solarwatt halts battery factory in y, transitioning manufacturing to China.
  • Employee Impact: About 170 job losses at the Dresden facility.
  • Future Focus: Concentrating on complete energy solutions and management post-transition.
  • Asia Expansion: Solarwatt plans to relocate all production facilities in Asia.
  • Economic Factors: Economic viability untenable beyond 2024, prompting the shutdown.

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