Strategies to Address Thermomechanical Instability Of Perovskite Solar Modules

PV Magazine International 1:20 pm on May 28, 2024

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Metallic halide perovskites (MHPs) are promising for solar energy, yet their stability under thermomechanical stress is a concern. Researchers at Arizona State University addressed this by studying the reliability and degradation mechanisms of MHP modules, advocating accelerated lab tests to better replicate field conditions and improve commercial viability.

  • Thermomechanical Stability Analysis: Investigation of MHP solar modules' reliability under combined thermal and mechanical stress.
  • Failure Mechanisms Identification: Identifying degradation mechanisms, particularly at scribing lines when encapsulated.
  • Accelerated Testing Advocacy: Call for laboratory tests to emulate realistic field conditions.
  • Commercial Viability Goals: Improving the durability of MHP modules through targeted material design.
  • Performance vs. Reliability Balance: The challenge in focusing on both performance and thermomechanical stability for solar energy advancement.

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