Elia Fixes Offshore Wind Cable After Sudden Failure

Wind Power News 1:20 pm on May 28, 2024

** Belgian utility Elia has repaired the project-specific wind cable for its Rentel offshore wind farm in the North Sea after a sudden failure, installing a new 400m long section of cable. The repair enabled continued power delivery to the grid but limited production during high winds.

  • Location: Offshore Rentel Wind Farm, North Sea (Belgium)
  • Action taken: Installation of a 400m long new cable section to repair the offshore wind farm's project-specific cable.
  • Impact: Allowed continued power delivery but reduced output during periods of high wind speeds.
  • Company: Elia, Belgian utility company.
  • Status of investigation: Investigation ongoing to determine the cause of the cable defect.
**Category 1 - Wind (relevant)** **Category 2 - Electric Vehicles (irrelevant)**

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