Salesforce Leads the Way for More Sustainable & Equitable Ai

Salesforce, aiming to help guide policymakers with regulating the rapidly evolving AI landscape, today released some recommendations and policy principles. In addition, Salesforce is supporting five organizations to develop AI-focused climate solutions, focusing on mitigation, adaptation, resilience, and finance.
CleanTechnica 5:37 pm on April 23, 2024

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In an article published on April 2, 2024, Scott Cooney discussed Salesforce's initiatives towards more sustainable and equitable AI. The company aims to reduce carbon emissions, increase energy efficiency, and promote ethical AI use.

  • Salesforce is committed to reducing carbon emissions and increasing energy efficiency in its data centers.
  • The company is investing in renewable energy sources to power its operations, such as wind and solar power.
  • Salesforce is also working towards promoting ethical AI usage by implementing transparency, accountability, and fairness principles.
  • Additionally, Salesforce is collaborating with organizations and governments to drive policy changes that promote sustainable technology and equitable access to AI.
  • The article highlights Salesforce's ongoing efforts in reducing carbon footprint, promoting ethical AI use, and driving policy changes towards a more sustainable tech industry.

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