Vinfast Just Added 12 New Car Dealers in the Us

VinFast Auto (Nasdaq: VFS) today announced that it's officially signed agreements with 12 new car dealers in the US. 
Electrek 4:52 pm on April 23, 2024

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VinFast, a Vietnamese automaker listed on Nasdaq (VFS), has announced the addition of 12 new car dealers in the US, bringing the total number to 13. These dealerships, located in seven states, will help VinFast pivot from its direct-to-consumer model to a hybrid one and expand its market reach. The dealerships will sell the VF 8 model initially, followed by other models as they become available. The after-sales policy includes a 10-year/12,000-mile warranty for the car and an unlimited mileage battery warranty under standard use.

  • VinFast added 12 new car dealers in the US
  • Total number of dealerships now 13
  • Dealerships located in North Carolina, New York, Texas, Florida, Kansas, Connecticut, and Kentucky
  • Initial offering is VinFast's VF 8 model
  • After-sales policy includes a 10-year/12,000-mile warranty for the car and an unlimited mileage battery warranty under standard use.

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