The Omnidirectional Self Balancing Screw Bike Is the Wildest E Bike Yet

Sign up for daily news updates from CleanTechnica on email. Or follow us on Google News! The Screw-Bike is a one-of-a-kind electric bike built by YouTuber and mechanical engineer James Bruton, and while its incredible complexity makes it unlikely that something like this will ever end up on the market, ... [continued]
CleanTechnica 5:37 pm on April 23, 2024

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The text is about a new type of e-bike called the Omnidirectional Self-Balancing Screw-Bike, which has been featured in a YouTube video. This innovative bike is capable of moving in any direction and staying balanced on its own.

  • Derek Markham posted about the new Omnidirectional Self-Balancing Screw-Bike on YouTube.
  • The bike can move in any direction and stay balanced on its own.
  • No comments have been made on the video as of yet.
  • The publication date of the video is April 2, 2024.
  • Further details about the bike's features or specifications were not provided in the text.

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