Renew Your Interest in Cleantech Stocks; (asx: $ (nasdaq: $rnw) (nasdaq: $enlt) (nyse: $amps)

Renewable Energy Stocks 5:48 am on May 5, 2024

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The text mainly covers news about various renewable energy stocks, their recent developments, and analyst reports. Companies mentioned include First Solar, Powerdyne International, dynaCERT, Tesla Motors, and SolarCity. First Solar reported earnings, causing stock gains. Powerdyne announced an analyst report from Murphy Analytic, LLC. dynaCERT added Simply Green's expertise in the oil & gas industry. Tesla Motors saw impressive gains following its IPO. SolarCity saw continued sales momentum into 2014.

  • First Solar reports earnings, causing stock gains
  • Powerdyne International announces analyst report from Murphy Analytic, LLC
  • dynaCERT adds Simply Green's expertise in the oil & gas industry
  • Tesla Motors sees impressive gains following IPO
  • SolarCity continues sales momentum into 2014

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