Chinese Pv Industry Brief: Cnmia Says Polysilicon, Wafer Prices Continue to Fall

PV Magazine International 3:53 pm on April 12, 2024

The China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association (CNMIA) reported a weekly decline in prices for polysilicon and wafers, affecting the upstream sector of China's silicon industry. N-type rod silicon prices dropped by 3.3%, while wafer prices fell between 3.5% and 15.6%. Silicon wafer suppliers projected a decline in domestic production to around 63 GW in April, with solar cell and PV module production expected to range from 60-62 GW. The price gap between p-type and n-type cells narrowed to CNY 0.08 per watt.

  • CNMIA reported a decline in prices for n-type rod silicon and wafers
  • Prices for n-type rod silicon fell by 3.3% and wafer prices dropped between 3.5% and 15.6%
  • Domestic production of silicon is projected to decline to around 63 GW in April
  • Solar cell and PV module production are expected to range from 60-62 GW
  • Price gap between p-type and n-type cells narrowed to CNY 0.08 per watt

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