How We Can Alleviate a Key Ev Fear

For people who are happy EV owners and think these concerns are overblown, we need to walk a mile in other people's shoes.
CleanTechnica 3:53 pm on April 12, 2024

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Title: Alleviating Fears about Electric Vehicles (EVs)

Jennifer Sensiba discusses addressing fears related to electric vehicles (EVs), particularly range anxiety and charging infrastructure concerns. She suggests expanding charging networks, improving battery technology, and offering incentives for EV adoption.

  • Discusses fears related to electric vehicle (EV) adoption: range anxiety and charging infrastructure
  • Proposes solutions: expanding charging networks, improving battery technology, offering incentives for EV adoption
  • Expanding charging networks involves investing in public charging stations and workplace charging facilities
  • Improving battery technology will reduce range anxiety by extending driving distance on a single charge
  • Offering incentives includes financial incentives like tax credits, rebates, or subsidies

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