Predicting a Big Loss for Trump 9:51 pm on May 12, 2024

Predicting Trump's electoral loss, journalist David Cay Johnston anticipates a minimum 10 million vote deficit in the upcoming November elections. Public sentiment opposes the "sociopath" persona and criminality associated with him. The PARTNERSHIP TO ADDRESS GLOBAL EMISSIONS INC publishes this content, while Craig Shields' book 'Renewable Energy Facts and Fantasies', a #1 Amazon Best-Seller on sustainability in the energy sector, is mentioned for further reading.

  • Election Prediction: David Cay Johnston forecasts Donald Trump's significant electoral loss.
  • Public Sentiment: Popular disapproval of his behavior and character is prevalent among voters.
  • Media Coverage: Trump's activities receive extensive daily media attention.
  • Craig Shields & 'Renewable Energy Facts and Fantasies': Johnston discusses the book written by Craig Shields, addressing clean energy challenges.
  • 'Best-Seller Status': The book ranks as a #1 Amazon Best-Seller in renewable energy topics.

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