Us Solar Breaks Another Record

Blog - Solar Power Now 9:51 pm on May 12, 2024

The US solar industry has set a record by surpassing 50% of new electricity production from solar, driven by substantial growth across all sectors. Texas installed more solar than California in 2023 for the second time. Despite concerns over California's Net Billin policy impacting residential solar installations, industry projections suggest a rebound and continuous upward trend through 2035.

  • Record-breaking Solar Production: Over 50% new electricity in the US is now generated by solar.
  • Texas Leads States: Texas installed more solar capacity than California for a second year, with significant growth in utility scale projects.
  • California's Net Billin Policy Impact: New regulations may temporarily reduce residential installations, but forecasts predict rebound and steady growth.
  • Long-term Growth Projection: The industry is expected to continue growing, with an average annual increase of 5% through 2035.
  • Solar Industry Resilience: Despite challenges, solar power's upward trend remains intact.
Renewable Policy and Incentives Solar

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