Paid for by the Partnership to Address Global Emissions Inc. 9:51 pm on May 12, 2024

** 2GreenEnergy, supported by the PARTNERSHIP TO ADDRESS GLOBAL EMISSIONS INC., highlights natural gas as an emissions reduction driver and acknowledges its environmental impact. The partnership advocates for renewable energy solutions to combat climate change challenges without directly mentioning industry relationships or transparency issues.

  • Natural Gas' Role: Described as a critical emissions reducer yet environmentally harmful.
  • Renewable Focus: Advocates for renewable energy to meet global climate goals despite acknowledged greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels.
  • Industry Relationships: Implied potential partnership with the natural gas industry without explicit admission.
  • Transparency Requested: Suggests acknowledging environmental impact and working towards renewable energy solutions.
  • Book Offering: Provides "Renewable Energy Facts and Fantasies" as a resource for understanding clean energy industry challenges.

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