Pennsylvania Announces Second Round Of Nevi Funding

Last year, Pennsylvania beat every other state to the punch. Like many other highway projects, the infrastructure bill's EV charging provisions works with state departments of transportation to get the job done.
CleanTechnica 3:53 pm on April 12, 2024

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The text is about Pennsylvania's announcement of the second round of funding for the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program. There is no information provided regarding renewable energy policies and incentives or specific renewable energy sources.

  • Pennsylvania announces second round of NEVI funding
  • No specific details about the amount or recipients of the funding were provided in the text
  • The National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program is aimed at building a network of electric vehicle charging stations along interstate highways
  • The funding is part of a larger infrastructure bill passed in March 2021, which allocated $5 billion for the NEVI program nationwide
  • No information was given about the timeline or eligibility requirements for the second round of funding

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