European Parliament Adopts Eu Electricity Market Reforms

The European Parliament has adopted electricity market reforms aimed at making the European Union's electricity market more stable, affordable, and sustainable. The reforms include a focus on two-way contracts for difference (CfD), a mechanism to declare electricic trucks
PV Magazine International 2:25 pm on April 12, 2024

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The European Parliament has adopted electricity market reforms aimed at creating a more stable, affordable, and sustainable EU electricity market. The reforms include the introduction of two-way contracts for difference (CfD), a mechanism to declare electricity price crises, and protections for consumers against volatile prices. The legislation encourages long-term contracts for non-fossil energy generation and increases market transparency. These measures will help create a more resilient and sustainable energy market (Renewable policy and incentives).

  • European Parliament adopts electricity market reforms
  • Focus on long-term contracts for non-fossil energy, cleaner flexible solutions, and increasing market transparency
  • Introducing two-way CfD and power purchase agreements (PPA)
  • Mechanism to declare electricity price crises and protections for consumers against volatile prices
  • Protecting citizens, especially vulnerable ones, and accelerating renewable energy deployment

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