Citizens United, Donald Trump, & the Politics Of Fear

Donald Trump will destroy democracy to satisfy his own super inflated ego. That seems a poor reason to dismantle the Constitution.
CleanTechnica 3:53 pm on April 12, 2024

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The above text is about a book titled "Citizens Unite: Fearing Our Way Back to Freedom" by Michael Walsh, with a focus on the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump and his use of fear politics.

  • Michael Walsh's book "Citizens Unite" discusses the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump.
  • Trump utilized fear politics to gain support from voters, capitalizing on their fears and anxieties.
  • Walsh argues that this approach was effective in rallying a large base of supporters, but also dangerous for democracy.
  • The text provides insight into the motivations behind Trump's rhetoric and the impact it had on the election and political discourse.
  • There is no discussion about renewable energy or related policies in this text.

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