Pv Cycle Belgium Claims 404 Tons Of Recycled Solar Panels in Q1

PV Cycle Belgium says it collected and processed 404 tons of solar panels for recycling during the first quarter of this year. It notes that the number of solar panels it has collected over the last five years has more than quadrupled.
PV Magazine International 5:37 pm on April 23, 2024

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PV Cycle Belgium recycled 404 tons of solar panels in Q1 2024, a significant increase from previous years. The organization has seen a quadrupling of collected solar panels over the last five years. With more new solar panels being installed than old ones removed, PV Cycle Belgium is preparing for future increases by partnering with recycling companies. Consumers pay a contribution of $1.60 per panel when buying new solar panels, which goes toward recycling at the end of the panels' life. As of 2023, there were over 4 million modules and 400 affiliated firms in Belgium, with a total installed PV capacity of over 10 GW.

  • PV Cycle Belgium recycled a record 404 tons of solar panels in Q1 2024
  • Collected solar panels have quadrupled in the last five years
  • Consumers pay a contribution when buying new solar panels for end-of-life recycling
  • Total installed PV capacity in Belgium surpassed 10 GW as of 2023
  • Partnerships with recycling companies are being established to prepare for future increases


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