Low Solar Module Prices Affecting Secondhand Market

Stefan Wippich, the CEO and co-founder of Germany's SecondSol platform, recently spoke with <b>pv magazine</b> about the development of the used PV module market. Wippich noted national differences and argued that it will be important to set rules for the trading of secondhand products.
PV Magazine International 5:37 pm on April 23, 2024

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The text is about Stefan Wippic, CEO of SecondSol, discussing the impact of low solar module prices on the used market. Wippic noted that demand for older but unused panels and spare parts is increasing, while the demand for used modules is currently lower due to new panel price drops. SecondSol operates a marketplace and warehouse for buying and selling photovoltaic products, primarily focusing on Europe. Used modules should play a greater role in energy transition, but rules for trading and recycling are needed. Different user demands exist between countries.

  • Low solar module prices causing increased demand for older unused panels and spare parts
  • SecondSol operates marketplace and warehouse for buying and selling photovoltaic products, focusing on Europe
  • Used modules should play a greater role in energy transition but rules for trading and recycling are needed
  • Demand varies between countries, highest demand for spare parts in Y and Italy
  • SecondSol sells new and used spare parts, panels, but only deals with new batteries


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