Neighbors Like Solar, to a Point

Research indicates that most neighbors of solar power facilities in the United States maintain positive attitudes toward these plants until they exceed 100 MW in capacity, or approximately 400 acres.
PV Magazine International 7:46 pm on April 22, 2024

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A study by Energy Markets & Policy (EMP) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory found that US neighbors of large-scale solar projects maintain positive attitudes until the facilities exceed 100 MW in capacity or around 400 acres. Neighbors expressed concerns about impact on local aesthetics, quality of life, and fairness in project planning. Only 20% were aware of projects before construction began, and those who saw them daily were more likely to have negative attitudes.

  • Most neighbors of US solar power facilities maintain positive attitudes until capacity exceeds 100 MW
  • Concerns about aesthetics, quality of life, and fairness in project planning lead to opposition
  • Only 20% were aware of projects before construction, one-third discovered upon receiving survey
  • Those who see solar installations daily more likely to have negative attitudes

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