Agrivoltaics for Fir Trees

German researchers are studying using an overhead solar PV system, designed to be removable and reusable, as a sunshade for young fir trees. The pilot, located at a quartz sand excavation site, will be monitored to compare growth and water consumption with an adjacent unshaded tree plot.
PV Magazine International 7:46 pm on April 22, 2024

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Researchers at Fraunhofer ISE have installed a 135 kW agrivoltaic system in Germany, shading young fir trees to test their growth and water consumption. The project is part of a land rehabilitation initiative at a commercial quartz sand mine, funded by Emil Steidle Gmb and the Baden-Wrttemberg state. The system, equipped with IBC MonoSol 405 modules from IBC Solar, will be removable and reusable, with disassembly planned after six to ten years. A study by the Forest Research Institute Baden-Wrttemberg will compare tree growth between shaded and unshaded plots, aiming to raise awareness for agrivoltaics in forestry.

  • Researchers installed a 135 kW agrivoltaic system at a commercial quartz sand mine in Germany
  • The system provides shading to young fir trees and is part of a land rehabilitation initiative
  • The installation, funded by Emil Steidle Gmb and the Baden-Wrttemberg state, will be removable and reusable after six to ten years
  • A study by the Forest Research Institute Baden-Wrttemberg will compare tree growth between shaded and unshaded plots
  • The project aims to raise awareness for agrivoltaics in forestry

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