Large Scale Battery Storage on the Rise in Chile

Three utility scale battery energy storage projects co-located with solar plants were announced last week in ChileThree utility scale battery energy storage projects co-located with solar plants were announced last week in Chile.
PV Magazine International 11:47 am on June 5, 2024

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Enel Chile announced large-scale battery storage projects with 67 MW/134 MWh, CJR Renewable and Uriel Renovables at 200 MW/800 MWh and 90 MW/200 MWh. These collocated solar and PV plants support renewable energy storage in Chile's grid system.

  • Large-Scale Battery Storage: Three projects announced for solar farms.
  • Collaboration with Renewables: Partnerships between developers and PV plants to enhance storage capacity.
  • Energy Storage Scalability: Varying scales of energy storage from 67 MWh up to 800 MWh.
  • Chilean Grid Support: Improved grid stability through renewable integration and battery storage.

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