Solar Carport to Provide 100% Electricity Needs for Amusement Park in Los Angeles

Recom Technologies was selected as the solar panel provider for the 12 MW solar carport.
PV Magazine International 11:47 am on June 5, 2024

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Recom Technologies installs 12.37 MW solar carport at Six Flags park in California, largest commercial/industrial US project, providing for over half a million kWh annually and offsetting 100+ cars' emissions yearly. This initiative continues the theme of clean energy investments by the amusement park chain, contributing to their status as leading solar adopters in California.

  • Recom Technologies partners with Six Flags for a large-scale commercial/industrial solar project.
  • 12.37 MW solar carport system generates over 517 million kWh, reducing annual emissions equivalent to removing 100+ cars from roads.
  • Six Flags is one of the largest clean energy investors in California through on-site and off-site installations.
  • The carport system utilizes bifacial Half Cut panels, with a 25-year warranty offering high reliability and efficiency.

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