Itrpv Says Solar Module Prices Fell 50% in 2023

The new edition of the International Technology Roadmap for Photovoltaic (ITRPV), published this week, reveals that the
PV Magazine International 11:47 am on June 5, 2024

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The 2023 ITRPV reported solar module prices falling by 50%, leading to a significant increase in installed PV capacity and the predominance of crystalline silicon technology. The report forecasts n-type TOPCon cells replacing p-type PER, with bifacial solar modules gaining market share.

  • Solar Module Price Reduction: A 50% drop in module prices in 2023.
  • Crystalline Silicon Dominance: Crystalline silicon PV technology holds the majority share of the market.
  • Emerging Technologies: Shift from p-type to n-type TOPCon cells, with anticipated growth in tandem solar cell production and bifacial module adoption.
  • Production Scale: The majority of new factories planned for the year have a capacity exceeding 5 GW.

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