Kkr Provides $300m Corporate Credit Facility to Origis Energy

Vehicles and accounts managed by KKR's insurance business have provided a $300 million corporate financing facility to
Solar Industry 4:42 pm on May 20, 2024

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KKR-provided $300M financing bolsters Origis Energy's solar development through a corporate credit facility, supporting their pipeline of projects. This move is part of KKR's ABF strategy, focusing on originated and negotiated credit investments backed by assets since 2016.

  • Corporate Credit Facility: $300M from KKR for Origis Energy.
  • ABF Strategy**: Since 2016, KKR's approach to finance via asset-backed funds.
  • Solar Project Development**: Enable Originis Energy's ongoing project construction and development.
  • Renewable Energy Financing Demand**: High demand for renewable projects financing is evident, as noted by Sam Mencof, KKR director.
  • Asset-Backed Finance Focus**: The facility pools financial and hard assets to back the credit investment.


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