The Expansion Of White Supremacy in the U.s. South 4:41 pm on May 20, 2024

Craig Shields discusses the alarming rise of white supremacy in Texas, exemplified by incidents involving the governor. He also reviews ExxonMobil's Direct Air Capture and mentions his best-selling book on clean energy solutions.

  • White Supremacy Rise: Recent white supremacist acts in Texas highlight societal issues.
  • ExxonMobil Direct Air Capture: An examination of the technology's efficacy and its role in climate change solutions.
  • 2GreenEnergy Author Insight: Craig Shields offers his expertise on sustainable energy, with a focus on renewable policies.
  • Book Promotion: Announcing Craigs best-selling book 'Renewable Energy Facts and Fantasies' as an educational resource.
  • Technology & Environmental Innovations: Overview of various renewable energy technologies mentioned in the context.

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