Silfab Solar Selected for $5m Doe Innovation Award

Silfab Solar has been selected for an innovation award by the U.SSilfab Solar has been selected for an innovation award by the U.S.
Solar Industry 4:42 pm on May 20, 2024

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The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has awarded Silfab Solar a $5 million innovation award for developing high-efficiency back-contact N-type solar cells and BIPV modules, with plans to scale up cell technology at its South Carolina facility. This recognizes the company's commitment to advanced PV solutions in commercial, residential, and building sectors.

  • DOE Awards Silfab for Advanced Solar Technology Development
  • Silfab Leads with High-Efficiency N-Type Cells & BIPV Modules
  • Innovation Aimed at Scaling Cell Tech for Commercial Use
  • Advancements in Solar Technologies to Benefit Customers Across Sectors
  • Significant Investment by DOE in U.S.-Manufactured Solar Technology

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