India's Renewable Tenders Hit 70 Gw

India has accepted bids to set up 69India has accepted bids to set up 69.
PV Magazine International 12:25 pm on May 7, 2024

India surpassed its annual renewable energy tender target, with tenders exceeding 69 GW in fiscal year 2024. This growth stems from strong government support and market potential for investors. The IEEFA-JMK report highlights the appeal of utility-scale solar projects due to high operating margins.

  • Record Renewable Tenders: India issued 69 GW in tenders, surpassing its target.
  • Government Support and Investor Interest: Central government support and regulatory framework led to increased investments.
  • Operating Margins: Utility-scale solar projects offer high operating margins, attracting investors.
  • IEEFA Report Insights: The IEEFA-JMK report discusses the renewable energy tender trends and market growth in India.
  • Strategic Importance: The surge highlights strategic importance of renewables, with solar leading due to high margins.

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