Korean Researchers Build Vertical Solar Panels With Low Reflection Losses

The modules are equipped with Maxeon solar cells and a microprism sheet that reportedly upholds a transmittance
PV Magazine International 12:25 pm on May 7, 2024

Hyundai Motor Group and Kyung Hee University have developed vertical solar panels equipped with microprism-imprinted PET sheets to reduce reflection losses, increase sunlight incidentality, and preserve high power generation levels across various weather conditions. The technology uses roll-to-roll embossing for scalability and was tested in Uiwan, South Korea, showing promise for future enhancements through long-term outdoor testing.

  • Research Collaboration: Hyundai Motor Group and Kyung Hee University worked together to develop innovative vertical solar panels.
  • Microprism Technology: The use of microprism-imprinted PET sheets reduces reflection losses, enhances light transmission, and maintains power generation levels in different weather conditions.
  • Roll-to-roll Embossing: This manufacturing technique enables scalability for larger dimensions while ensuring precise microprism morphology replication.
  • Experimental Results: The panels were tested in Uiwan, South Korea, showing higher energy generation compared to traditional vertical solar modules. No degradation was observed due to soiling over an extended testing period.
  • Future Work: Further validation will involve long-term outdoor testing across different latitudes.


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