Three Step Process to Recover Lead from End Of Life Solar Panels

Researchers in India have developed a new solar module recycling process that transforms lead into less toxic lead
PV Magazine International 12:25 pm on May 7, 2024

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pv magazine highlights Indian researchers' novel solar module recycling process converting lead (Pb) from end-of-life panels into less toxic PbO, emphasizing environmental and economic benefits. The method involves a three-step procedure: leachin, precipitatio, calcination, with an overall recovery efficiency of 70.45%.

  • Process Development: A novel solar panel recycling technique has been developed for recovering lead as PbO in a less toxic form.
  • Methodology: The process includes three key steps: leaching, precipitation, and calcination with specific conditions optimized for efficiency.
  • Outcome: Efficient recovery of lead from end-of-life panels at 70.45% efficiency, highlighting its commercial viability for large scale implementation.
  • Environmental Impact: The approach provides an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional lead recycling methods.
  • Application Potential: Recovered PbO has various applications, including in batteries, pigments, ceramics, and glass industry.
The article can be categorized under 'Solar'.

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