Fiera Milano Switches on Italy's Largest Rooftop Pv Array

Fiera Milano SpA has started generating electricity from Italy's largest rooftop solar arrayFiera Milano SpA has started generating electricity from Italy's largest rooftop solar array.
PV Magazine International 12:23 pm on May 21, 2024

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The Fiera Milano trade fair organizer, in partnership with power utility A2A, inaugurated Italy's largest rooftop PV array - an 18 MW system on exhibition pavilions near Milan. This milestone places the facility among top European exhibition centers in terms of efficiency and renewable energy capacity generation. The installation will cover some local needs and excess power is supplied to the grid, signifying a substantial step toward sustainable practices within commercial spaces.

  • Partnership for Renewable Energy:
  • Italian Trade Fair Organizer & A2A inaugurate largest rooftop PV array at Fiera Milano.
  • 18 MW system installed on exhibition pavilions, showcasing advanced solar technology and energy efficiency.
  • Capable of meeting local needs while supplying excess to the grid - a commitment toward sustainability.
  • First in Europe for rooftop PV array efficiency among exhibition centers.

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