Daewoo Releases Hybrid Battery Inverters for Residential Pv

Daewoo's new hybrid inverters feature LiFePO4 batteriesDaewoo's new hybrid inverters feature LiFePO4 batteries.
PV Magazine International 12:23 pm on May 21, 2024

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Daewoo has introduced new hybrid battery-inverters with LiFePO4 lithium batteries, ranging from 0.5 kVA to 10 kVA power ratings for residential and industrial PV projects in South Korea. They offer safety features, a five-year warranty, and a 15-year battery life while eliminating acid leakage risk. The company's collaboration with Kelwon Electronics results in pricing that begins at INR 375 for the smallest unit size.

  • Product Introduction:
  • Daewoo's new hybrid battery-inverters are equipped with LiFePO4 lithium batteries and power ratings from 0.5 to 10 kVA.
  • Safety Features:
  • A five-year warranty, a 15-year battery life cycle, acid leakage prevention.
  • Collaboration with Kelwon Electronics:
  • Pricing ranging from INR 375 to INR 52,938 for the various unit sizes and power ratings.
  • Market & Applications:
  • Targeted at both residential and industrial photovoltaic (PV) projects with an emphasis on safety, durability, and convenience.


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