Consumer Knowledge Key for Solar Adoption in Saudi Arabia

A new research paper urges the Saudi Arabian government to improve consumer knowledge of renewable energy to encourage
PV Magazine International 12:23 pm on May 21, 2024

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The study highlights the need for improved consumer knowledge about solar energy as a significant barrier to adoption among Saudi homeowners, influenced by demographics and social factors. This can guide policymakers in effectively communicating renewable technology's benefits through strategic public information campaigns leveraging social media platforms prevalent within their communities.

  • Key Findings:
  • Lack of consumer knowledge inhibits solar energy adoption.
  • Demographics influence attitudes towards renewables, with younger and more educated individuals being more likely to adopt.
  • Social influences, such as community opinions within close-knit families, play a critical role in Saudi consumers' decisions.
  • Government and businesses must use impactful communication channels like social media to promote renewable adoption.
  • Public information and education campaigns should consider the specific knowledge levels within target demographics.

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